The newly renovated Veterans’ Park on
Governor Oglesby Street in historic downtown
Elkhart will be rededicated on Saturday,
November 10, at 11:00 a.m. The
project, spearheaded by Elkhart’s Needs and
Goals (NAG) group, has made the park
handicap accessible, improved seating, and
updated the landscape design. The park will
be used by veterans, their families and
friends, and provide a place for community
Immediately following the ceremony from
11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m., the Elkhart Public
Library, erected in 1904 and located one
block north of Veterans’ Park at 121 Bohan
Street, will be open with several
activities. “On view will be the
library’s World War I
K-14 cannon - a unique German weapon to have
on American soil - and a
display of books from our collection
pertaining to US wars, weapons, and
says Sarah Wilson, Director,
Elkhart Public Library District. The
library will also host a
cookie reception featuring coffee
from the
veteran owned and operated Black Rifle
Coffee Company.
click here for more >
Elkhart Veteran’s Park WW 1 ‘Order Arms,’
Dedication was Sat., Nov. 10 <-- click
click here for more > |
Brian “Fox” Ellis

Friday, Nov. 2, 2018
Wildhare Cafe Dinner Lecture
Elkhart Explores a Different View of Illinois’
a Performance of Two Faces of Illinois’ History
click here for more
information >
Sparks will
fly in this recreation of a dramatic debate between our
Territorial Governor Ninian Edwards and Potawatomi Chief
Gomo on Friday, November 2nd at The Wild Hare Cafe,
Elkhart. Doors open at 5pm with dinner starting at 5:30.
Tickets are $40 and reservations are required and can be
made by calling 217-947-2238. Dinner will consist of
Beef or Chicken Pasties Pies served with baked squash,
sweet corn and rolls as well as stewed apples topped
with whipped cream or ice cream topped with chocolate
sauce. The program will be held not far from the place
where Edward’s Trace crosses through town. This original
performance is part of the official Illinois 200
Bicentennial Celebration.
Rhoades - September 21st
Dinner Lecture
Explores a Different View of Illinois’ Bicentennial
with a
Performance of Two Faces of Illinois’ History
 Joshua is a
Professional Geologist with the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency during the day, but at night turns his
attention to the skies as an astrophotographer with a
focus on deep-space objects and landscape astrophotos.
Joshua uses the camera as a tool to collect photons
during long exposures, thereby allowing him to bring to
our eyes the objects in our night sky that are...out of
sight. Joshua's deep-space and landscape
astrophotography has been recognized with first place
awards in local visual arts exhibits and has been
featured in the magazines "Sky and Telescope" and BBC
"Sky at Night."
Operating out
of his home and taking advantage of the relatively dark
skies of Elkhart, Joshua uses multiple telescopes and
specialized cameras and equipment to capture ancient
light in his deep-space astrophotographs. During various
times of the year, Joshua goes mobile with his
equipment, finding inspiration in the beauty of Elkhart
and surrounding areas and composing beautiful (and
arguably typical) Midwestern scenes beneath the starry
Joshua will be
speaking about the processes and techniques used to
create deep-space and landscape astrophotographs and
will be providing a look at the specialized equipment
used, including several different types of telescopes9.
Joshua's unique work will be on display for viewing and
for sale as he describes and explains the beautiful
celestial objects that reside above our heads in the
night skies of Elkhart.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Wild Hare Cafe, 104 Governor Oglesby St., Elkhart,

Dean Williams presents The Making of Historical Film,
“Abraham Lincoln in Logan County” offered by the Elkhart
Historical Society at the Wild Hare Cafe in Elkhart. The
doors will open at 5:00 pm and the dinner will begin
promptly at 5:30 pm. This is a special Illinois
Bicentennial project celebrating President Abraham
Lincoln and the local community. Elkhart Historical
Society is partnering with Lincoln College and the
Central Illinois Film Commission to update the film,
“Surveyor to President: Abraham Lincoln in Logan
County.” The film, originally produced in 2003, is being
revised to include footage of the new Lincoln Heritage
Museum, highlights of the Lincoln/Oglesby connection,
and additional information on President Lincoln’s
support of the university that was to be built and named
for him. The entire footage of the original film was
shot in Logan County, and many at sites that are still
in existence, and many of the extras are from Logan
County as well. The film will be featured at the August
31st dinner lecture in Elkhart, with video copies
available to the public for purchase. |
“Brothers Notorious- The Sheltons”
Taylor Pensoneau
Taylor Pensoneau will be the July
27th lecturer offered by the Elkhart
Historical Society at the
Wild Hare Cafe
in Elkhart.
In Brothers Notorious,
Mr. Pensoneau gives attendees the story that traces the
Shelton Gang story from its unpretentious beginning in
rural southern Illinois Wayne County to the
headline-capturing violence at the tale's conclusion.
Elkhart Historical Society is pleased to bring author
D.L. Dennis to the Wild Hare Café for the May 11th
dinner lecture entitled, “The Witwer Files”. The story
takes place in a small Midwestern village in the early
1900’s that was terrorized by uncontrolled violence.
Murders and suicides remained unsolved and unstopped as
the responsible law enforcement either turned in their
badges or disappeared. Come hear first-hand how the
author’s grandfather arrived in the village and what
circumstances occurred that changed the course of town’s
future in this fascinating story inspired by actual
events. Autographed copies of Dennis’s book, “The Witwer
Files”, will be available along with his other books.
Saturday, April 21 10AM or 4 pm
Saturday, April 28 10AM or
4 pm
Saturday, April 28
6 am or 4 pm
May 5
10AM or 4 pm

(Word format) <-- click here
(pdf format) <-- click
Wild Hare Cafe
Friday, 13 April,
5:30 pm
William Furry,
executive director of the Illinois State
Historical Society since 2004; by the
ISHS in 2001 as the editor of Illinois
Heritage, the popular history magazine
of the Society.
He will be
speaking on Jonathan Chapman known to
all American school children as Johnny
Appleseed. You will be delighted to hear
the truth about this fascinating man and
his mission.
Mr. Furry will also make available some
seedlings from the scion of a grafted
original Appleseed tree for the purchase
price of $60.00, first come basis with
checks payable to ISHS.
Wild Hare Café Friday, March 16th
The Elkhart Historical Society announces the return of
the ever popular Chuck McCue to the Dinner Lecture
podium on Friday March 16th. In his presentation
last spring, “The Boys From Kentucky”, McCue spoke of
the relationship between Richard J. Oglesby and Abraham
Lincoln - two men, born as sons to Kentucky farmers just
a few miles and a few years apart, who each grew to have
an enormous impact on the legal system and government of
Illinois and the nation.
This year, McCue will focus exclusively on Oglesby, whom
he considers one of the most interesting figures in
Illinois history. Orphaned at young age,
Oglesby was a self-made man who had already been a
lawyer, prospector, soldier, shopkeeper and world
traveler before turning to politics. He was
the only Illinois governor elected to three
non-consecutive terms, and represented the state for one
term in the U.S. Senate. This program will go beyond
last year’s, including Oglesby’s third gubernatorial
election and his time in Elkhart.
Once retired from the Air Force, Elkhart native
and historian McCue chose to volunteer his time
as a docent at the Mt. Pulaski Courthouse, as
well as recently appearing on both the
Springfield Muni and HFTA stages. He
served as Commander of Mt. Pulaski American
Legion Ryman-Fuiten Post 447. |
The lecture will be held in
Horsefeather’s Wild Hare Café on Friday, March 16th at
5:30p (Doors open at 5:00 p) and a traditional dinner of
Corned Beef and Cabbage or White Lasagna will be
offered. The cost, which includes a $10 donation
to the Elkhart Historical Society, is $40.
Reservations should be made quickly as space is limited,
please call 217 947 2238, once confirmed you may
download the reservation form and mail it in with your
The Elkhart Historical Society announces the
return of the ever popular Karl Luthin, DVM, to the
Dinner Lecture podium, Friday January 26, at 5:30pm, at
the Wild Hare Café in Horsefeathers Shop, Elkhart
Illinois. Dr. Karl will regale us with the challenges
of training horses for the movies. Luthin’s credentials
are numerous from both the professional veterinarian
standpoint but also from the aspect of the big screen as
a reenactor. Some of the movies which Luthin has been a
part of are: Gods and Generals”, “Glory”, The “John
Adams”, “Into the West” mini series, “Gettysburg”,
“Cold Mountain”, and most recently providing a
tremendous amount of equipment as well as the horse
Daniel Day Lewis rode in “Lincoln”.
“Welcome to
Hollywood” with Karl
Luthin, DVM at
Wildhare Cafe
Friday January 26, 2018
Karl Luthin has
been involved in over 60 movies, either in the
capacity of on-site veterinarian, as a
re-enactor, or as prop supply
this category includes both live and plastic
horses, uniforms and horse equipment from wars
dating back to the French and Indian War thru
It will cover many of his experiences while
working on the movie sets in over 60 productions
and mini-series. Multi-faceted Luthin
is often the on-site veterinarian, or
re-enactor, frequently providing props, set
dressings, and horses, or as an advisor helping
to insure the historic accuracy of the equipment
or costumes being used.
Some of the productions he has been involved in
are, “Gods and Generals”, “Glory”, The “John
Adams” mini-series, “Into the West”,
“Gettysburg”, “Cold Mountain”, and most recently
providing a massive amount of props as well as
the horse Daniel Day Lewis rode in the
movie “Lincoln”. Karl will be bringing
film clips and slides from many of these movies,
as well as movie posters, and the
behind-the-scenes stories.